
Showing posts from July, 2018

TOF nursery plant price list

இந்த மாதம்  புதுவரவு  செடிகளின் விலைப்  பட்டியல்  TOF nursery plant  price list   (9526383733) kayalpattanam தாய்லாந்து வாட்டர் ஆப்பிள்    -  150 ஸ்ட்ராவ்பெர்ரி கொய்யா           -  150 அவரி                                                      -   40 செம்பருத்தி                                        -   50 வேம்பு                                                     -   30 சீனி துளசி                                  ...

homemade Organic Fertilizers for Roses

homemade Organic Fertilizers for Roses Roses have always been a favorite among flower lovers. These plants are commonly grown in home gardens. Most of the rose varieties are easy to grow and if properly taken care of, they will reward you with fragrant and colorful flowers. If you are interested in having them in your home garden, then it will be better to have a fair understanding on  how to grow roses . Some of the basic aspects of rose plant care is to provide them with an ample amount of sunlight and water. Besides that, proper pruning, feeding, pest and disease control, etc., are also vital. As far as feeding is concerned, you may go for organic or synthetic fertilizers. Nowadays, most of the gardeners prefer organic fertilizers to other types. You may either resort to commercial organic fertilizers or the homemade ones. If you are interested in knowing more about how to make organic fertilizers for roses, then, continue reading this article. Ways ...

Here’s all you need to know about the best ingredients for natural fertilizers:

Here’s all you need to know about the best ingredients for natural fertilizers: Keep Your Banana Peels When making mulch, start with the right ingredients to add vitamins and other nutrients to your plants. Many of you will throw your banana peels away, but they make excellent natural fertilizers. It’s not just the human body that needs potassium. Roses and some other beautiful flowers need it. Bananas are full of that nutrient—including the banana peel! You don’t even need to add the peels to your mulch. Add them to the hole before you plant your flowers. They’ll degrade naturally and the soil around them will soak up the potassium. In mulch, add them to the bottom, so they can compost naturally. The right compost ingredients can help build long-term fertility. Compost Your Coffee Save your coffee grounds or pick up a few bags of spent grounds from your local coffee shop. Most places will save the grounds and gladly allow you to tote them off for your garden. Coffee...

how to grow dianthus plant

1. HOW TO GERMINATE SEEDS 1. SHOULD WE SOAK THE DIANTHUS  SEEDS OVERNIGHT FOR BETTER GERMINATION? Soaked seeds can germinate quickly and also can work fine. Need to soak the seeds for a day and keep dry for two to three hours. 2. SHOULD WE USE THE SEEDLING TRAY OR DIRECT SOW IS RECOMMENDED? We can maintain the seeds in the tray at the beginning. But when the plant reaches 2 to 3 inches in length it requires some more space to grow. Sowing directly into the pot is the best way to cultivate. 3. WHAT IS THE BEST SEASON TO GROW DIANTHUS? Dianthus can cultivate quickly in the winter season. Cool weather helps to grow quickly. 4. WILL IT GERMINATE IN ALL SEASONS? Dianthus seeds can germinate in all the seasons. But it will give the better result in winter. 5. HOW MANY DAYS WILL IT TAKE TO GERMINATE? If you are giving water on the time it will take 10 to 20 days to germinate. During the germination, the soil should be moist. 6. CAN WE KEEP IT INDOOR...